

1. Finally get the most wanted job offer, it's undoubtedly a great honour for me to work for my role model. Though there are plenty of works to do, I still feel energetic as knowledge can obtain from every tasks. Keep going, Silvia!

2. Have a great plan with my BFF, Europe Trip 2015 March, 2 weeks, 3 countries, France, Spain and Italy. So excited!!!!!! Hope our plan can come true this time.

This is my dream to have trip with my BFF- Alison & Tammy every year. They are not just BFF, they are BTB (Best Travel Buddy). I know it's not a must that BFF=BTB, glad that I have two, though they don't know each other. I guess this trip can tie them tgt. It's actually hard to travel with friends, esp one of them is in Australia and the other is in Japan and I am in Hong Kong. 

2011 Trip with Alison in Adelaide
2011 Trip with Tammy in Osaka
2012 Trip with Mom in Osaka
2012 Trip with PCLA in Malaysia
2013 Trip with Tammy in Taiwan
2014 Trip with Alison in Macau
2014 Trip with Mom and Dad in Beijing

Forecast: 2015 Trip with Alison and Tammy in Europe.....Wooohooooooooo!

3. Finally get a Pass, when I finish the exam and wait for the result, keep my finger cross, praying to get a Pass, and finally, it did. Now, have to study the Ordinance. Well preparation lead to Success!!!!








Put Behind 吧

我一直都不善於整理零碎的東西,像整理房間一樣,我通常都是把零碎的東西一次過扔掉,而不會把一小撮一小撮的物件找個地方放好,所以每次整理房間,都會扔掉起碼兩大袋垃圾(突然想到 T 先生學我講「辣圾」,笑了)。

今晚我決定要整理電腦裡的文件,因為太多一年都不會開的文件檔長期放在「document」及「download」裡,有幾個 Whatsapp 通話紀錄,有一篇寫了六千字還是開首的小說,有超過五千張的照片,零碎到突然有一股衝動去按一下「Move to Trash」,但我知道這是不行,因為這些都是有紀念價值的東西,如果刪除了就沒救了。

最後,我還是放棄,開多一個 Folder 叫「Other」,然後把所有的東西都放在裡面,那我的desktop 又變得乾淨起來,這應該就是我們特首說的「put behind」吧。